Letter from the MSPE President
After many strategic planning meetings last year, I was left with one remaining question, what is the
identity of MSPE? Our organization is comprised of a diverse group of individuals who represent
engineers in construction, private practice, government, higher education and industry and across many
disciplines. I have asked myself many times, “does MSPE have one uniting principle?” As I continued to
ask myself why this organization exists, it led me to ask why does our organization do the things it does,
and what is our motivating factor? After a year’s worth of deliberation I settled on one principle that
eclipses all others and separates us from all other professional organizations. It is the single item that
brings all of us together as members of MSPE; it is the license and what it represents.
MSPE Vision:
To proMote licenSure within the Profession of Engineering and elevate the
awareness of the continued service by licensed professionals in the public sphere.
The license and responsibility that it carries to the public permeates every aspect of our organization. It
is evident in our installation of officers. Our officers recite the engineer’s creed as they swear in. They
take oath to pursue “the advancement and betterment of human welfare.” As members of MSPE this is
taken further by taking an oath to support our fellow leaders in the field of engineering. All of our
committee decisions are guided by this principle as well.
Recently, the Governor’s office has recognized the importance of the professional engineer by issuing a
proclamation for August 2, 2017 as Professional Engineer’s day. This day presents a great opportunity
for our organization to share our vision with our fellow engineers and the general public and echo the
governor’s proclamation. As the president of MSPE, I implore our members to carry this message
forward with pride.
Robert T. Wheeler, PE
august letter from the president