Emergency Action Preparedness Seminar

Register Now for the Dec. 14, Seminar in Grand Rapids.
The complexity of managing emergencies, coupled with the growing need for multi-agency and multi-functional involvement on incidents, has increased the need for a single standard incident management system that can be used by all emergency response disciplines. The Incident Command System provides an important framework from which all stakeholders public and private can work together. In any major incident, many local, state and federal agencies as well as private sector resources may become involved and must coordinate response. The challenge is to get the various agencies to work together in the most efficient and effective manner. The principles of the Incident Command System will enable all response agencies and personnel to utilize common terminology, span of control, organizational flexibility, personnel accountability, comprehensive resource management, unified command and incident action plans.
Workshop attendees will receive instruction on the principles of Incident Command System, including the development of an incident action plan. The ICS principles will be reinforced by attendees participating in an exercise.
Included in the presentation will be how the Incident Command System was used by the City of Grand Rapids to facilitate response to the widespread flooding of 2013, in which Kent County and the City of Grand Rapids received a Presidential Disaster Declaration.
The seminar will be concluded by attendees receiving exam prep for FEMA certification.
The seminar will be presented by Jack Stewart, Kent County Emergency Management Coordinator and Mark DeClercq, Grand Rapids City Engineer.
Where: Holiday Inn Grand Rapids Downtown
When: Dec. 14, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $80 MSPE Members; $95 Non-Members
Free on-site parking for attendees.