MSPE Opposes SB 157 – Contact your Senator!

MSPE has been working with our design professional partners and several other groups (including ACEC, AIA, APWA, MML, MTA, CRA, AWWA, DIPRA and CPA) in opposition of SB 157. The most recent version of the bill S01239’17 (S-2) Draft 2 was voted out of the Senate Committee on March 22. Despite our best efforts and overwhelming opposition in both committee hearings from those attending, the bill was passed out 4-1 on party lines. This bill would disallow standard city/county specifications, force the allowance of plastic pipe materials in all bidding for publicly funded water and sewer projects and cause potential long-term maintenance issues and increased costs for communities. NSPE has seen this bill in various forms introduced in 11 other states (some in more than one legislative session) but it has not yet passed in any. Please help us in defeating it here in Michigan as well by contacting your Senator and urging them to vote NO. This bill could be brought to the floor of the Senate as early as next week, so please contact them ASAP. Below are several key points to make when contacting your Senator:
Top talking points:
– This bill pre-empts local control and local governments
– This bill pre-empts the decision-making ability of engineers.
– This bill eliminates standard specifications for piping related projects
– This bill will increase cost in the full life cycle of utilities.
– Oppose SB 157
Read the letter NSPE wrote to the Committee Chairperson in opposition of this bill NSPE-MSPE Letter Opposing SB 157.
You may contact your Senator via phone or email. To get the contact information and to verify which district you live in, you can go to the state website:
If you speak with your Senator, please ask him/her directly whether they will support or oppose this bill and report that information back to Shada at
Thank you for your support of our profession!
Leanne Panduren, PE
L&GA Committee Chair